05 March, 2010

Birthday Cupcakes

A few weeks ago was my mate Ry's 20th birthday. Although he was sad that he would never be a teenager again, I gave him reason to act like a child by baking him loads of Vanilla Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream. "Mmmm," I hear you say? Of course, everyone likes buns. Everyone should have baked buns once in their life at least. My boyfriend's mum made me positively drool at Christmas when she gave me a Cupcake Recipe Book - written by the owners of the Primrose Bakery in London. YAMMY! Even though I don't like recipe books, you MUST buy this one, the pictures alone are enough to whisk you away to the till with two under each arm. It doesn't just have recipes for basic cupcakes, but also tells you how to make birthday cakes, different types of icing (Peanut Butter, White Chocolate, Peppermint!!) and even a cupcake Wedding Cake!

Anyway, I chose basic Vanilla buns as there was also a party at Ry's house. Vanilla suits everyone's taste buds. I added chocolate buttercream to make them extra-heavenly, and then bought a selection of chocolate treats to top off with; buttons, Smarties Eggs, sprinkles etc.
I won't give you the recipe for this one guys, instead I want to encourage you to buy "Cupcakes from the Primrose Bakery." I may sound like a walking-talking advert but you really can't go wrong with these recipes. It's an essential Bible for your kitchen shelf. Happy Baking!

P.s Watch this space. I have given myself an idea for Mother's Day: Floaty, flowery cupcake-tiered M.D cake? My mum will be thrilled :D Stay tuned!

Kirsten x

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